World Book Day 2025
It was wonderful to see the school buzzing with all the children’s favourite books today.
This year’s World Book Day has focused on developing a positive reading culture within the school and fostering a love of books.
We started the day with a very exciting whole school assembly which was crammed full of book characters (big and small) and over 250 of our favourite books! We also shared the winners of our short story awards; enjoyed a story renamed ‘Meet the Snowy Teachers’ selected and adapted by the learning council; discovered what was on our teachers’ bookshelves and had a chance to hear about all the teachers’ favourite books.
During the day, we enjoyed sharing our favourite books in class. The children have had the opportunity to record any books they have enjoyed hearing about and this will come home as a personal list of ‘recommended reads’. You can see photographs of our day here.
Many of these books can be reserved for just 10p using the Hampshire Library Service reservations system. You can select which library you would like to collect them from.
If you are not a member of Hampshire Libraries, you can join online using this link:
Online and audio versions of books can also be downloaded for free using BorrowBox.
If you would like further ideas on books that are suitable for your child’s reading age, please visit these websites.