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I know I always say "it's been a busy week", but this week it REALLY has!
The children triumphed in their performance on Wednesday afternoon. They are the best singers I've taught for a while and they are most definitely wriggly! The costumes looked gorgeous, their lines were clearly spoken and we were incredibly proud of them. It was also lovely to receive such positive feedback from families - thank you. Year 1 liked our dress rehearsal so much that they wrote fantastic letters to say well done.
In the very small gaps left in the timetable we have done lots of Christmas tree craft. The children have made and written their Christmas cards for families. In small world we saw some extremely creative baubles and reindeer.
A giant box kept a large group busy for a whole day - they made Santa's sleigh. Collaborative work at it's finest as they added bits and bobs, cut the shape and attached reindeers. It only collapsed when too many children sat in it!
Today we have made our Christingles. The children made these pretty much entirely by themselves - just a little help to push the candle in. They understood the relevance of each part.
Orange: symbol of the world
Red ribbon: the blood of Jesus
Four cocktail sticks: 4 seasons
Sweets: God's creations
Lit candle: Jesus as the light of the world
We also managed a trip to Secret Santa's shop! The children were so excited to choose gifts for family members.