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- Year 5/6 - Gazelle, Giraffe and Zebra Class
- Giraffe Class
- Autumn 1
8th September 2023
It has been such a pleasure to welcome the new Giraffe Class into school this week. They have settled in so quickly and proving to be fantastic role models for the rest of the school.
This week has been all about establishing our standards and routines and the children have stepped up to all the challenges they have been set so far with great enthusiasm.
We have created our class charter and been outside to create our own crosses for class worship, which will be held each Thursday morning.
One of the highlights of this week has been our rivers topic launch event where we went to the woods to create our own rivers in groups. Our aim was to establish how much we know about rivers so far. There was a lot of debate about where rivers came from and we look forward to finding out the answers soon.
With Mrs Simmons this week, the children had a great introduction to their topic of evolution and variation where they explored the variety of shoe sizes in our class.
It has been a very hot and exciting first week!