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So sorry that there are no photos from last week. I had over a hundred on the iPad and instead of deleting one blurry one, I deleted them all and somehow they were unretrievable!
The children have enjoyed forest school. This week was fun as we all put our puddlesuits on!!!!!
We've been squirrels hiding our stash of nuts and then, after playing, going to find them.....oh dear there would be some very hungry squirrels if we were in charge. This week we found slim sticks and searched for whole leaves to poke on them. We made stick leaves!
In phonics we are now up to 12 single sounds (see our Bug Club folder for details) and the children are getting better and better each session.
In maths we have used numicon in lots of ways. We especially enjoyed building log slice towers and putting the number on the top.
Our conkers have been used sooooo much... threading, painting, rolling down chutes, sorting and in funky fingers. The most popular challenge was using the conker picker upperers (litter pickers) to put them pack in the tray. I'm fairly sure conkers were going on the floor just to be picked up.