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Although it's just been a four day, rainy week, we have still packed in quite a lot into our days.
The children have loved finger painting squirrels and hedgehogs. Today its using cotton buds to carefully dot the colours onto Autumn leaves.
In Funky Fingers the children have manipulated lolly sticks to copy patterns. They have also posted most of the lolly sticks into the holes on the large wooden reels....
This week our Numicon has been in small groups rather than whole class. The children have been creating the Numicon patterns with pegs on boards and then finding the matching shape. They have also played lots of recognition games and pattern making.
We have dipped our toes into our new handwriting scheme - Kinetic Letters. The children have been doing lots of large scale movements to strengthen shoulders, pelvic area etc to support handwriting.
Our conkers have been well used but the time has come to compost them. As the shells are hard to compost the children broke them up which was great fun! Hammers used under close supervision!
New sounds this week were ck, e, u, r and tricky words no, go and the.
The parachute in PE was a great success. The children loved playing different games.