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It was a beautiful day for a bird watch on Monday. The RSPB Big School birdwatch involved an hour of bird watching in a specific area. We chose our Year R play area as we have been feeding the birds and watching them since before Christmas. The children took ten minute shifts to sit quietly with a clipboard to record each bird that appeared. What an incredible array of birds came to visit! Mrs. Science (aka Mrs. Simmonds) wondered if we would see more species of birds than the 9 that Year 6 spotted in October.
Well the results were counted and verified in our maths lesson:
We saw 11 species of birds including a pheasant that hopped onto the fence from the churchyard!!
To say we are mildly obsessed with birdwatching is an understatement. On Wednesday we noticed a blue tit going in and out of the nesting box. We watched two amazing videos about Blue Tits:
From empty nest to first egg in less than 8 minutes! - BlueTit nest box live camera highlights 2021
The rest of the week has been busy with Bug Club learning sounds ar, or, ur, ow and oi.
We've also been doing our KL handwriting.
In Class Collective Worship we read The Rainbow Fish. We are thinking about Loving Others. The children understood that the Rainbow Fish shared her scales and then felt happy. We made sparkly scales for our buddies.