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We've been busy bees with assessments this week. The children have wowed us with their progress in Bug Club letter sounds and tricky words alongside their kinetic letters handwriting.
All of a sudden, children are choosing to write labels, notes and cards. It has been really lovely to see.
As we have explored People Who Help Us, we have focussed on daddy, granddad and uncles. The children have shared what daddy does for a job and some of the things he does at home too.
Our role play area turned into a Doctors Surgery. The children were bandaged and mended but sadly, in some cases, I think the patients felt worse by the time they left...!
We returned to our Writing Books which have been somewhat redundant since starting Kinetic Letters. Only a few pages had been used with early name writing practice way back in September. What a transformation! Working 1-1 with Mrs Bertacchini, half the class have written their first sentence. Many of these were unaided and all children segmented the words, found the sounds on the word mat and thought about their letter formation. It has taken a while as the children worked methodically on each word. The rest will be done next week.
In Numicon we have begun doubling. The children enjoyed matching up the pairs of Numicon shapes and working out the totals. They got quicker as the week progressed.
Forest school was great fun. The children are showing resilience and good character in the mud and rain. This week they created some fantastic repeating patterns - see if you can spot them in the photos below...