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This week we have explored the faith of Islam, as Ramadam began on Monday. The children are really spotting the similarities of different world faiths which was our goal for this year. During Ramadam, Muslims reflect and consider their service to God (Allah) and consider ways to show kindness to others. The children were very excited to see the 30 day calendar and compared this to Advent. Our kindness calendar has been in focus every day this week. After a story session one of the children said "she could tick that on her calendar" referring to a characters kindness. Our litter pick session with Mrs. Johnson was really popular and the children then helped to write an email to the junior classes to express their sadness about the mess after their playtime.
After our visit from Mrs. Lewis last week the children have been architects. They have created houses for our Penguin Town. There has been so much problem solving when cutting windows and doors. Lots of teamwork and collaboration with giant boxes too.
Our Wednesday Teamwork task was a real challenge for the boys who were more interested in hokey cokey than passing the hoop around the circle without letting go of hands. The girls on the other hand were focused and extremely clever in their strategies. After demonstrating to the boys how to do it the boys were spurred into action and had a much better go!
Mrs. Science (aka Mrs. Simmonds) came in to do some nature faces with resources the children collected outside plus a few from her garden.
On Thursday the children had a last minute R&R session with Coach Dan and Coach Ashley. They used a variety of balls (tennis, rugby, football,) and played lots of team games. They loved it!
We laughed a lot this afternoon at the children's jokes - some of the funniest were the made up ones :-)
The theme of the day was to make someone smile - the children definitely did that!