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Year 1 - Koala and Panda Class

Welcome to Year One - Pandas and Koalas

Panda Class:

Miss Whitbread (Monday - Wednesday) - Class Teacher
Mrs Northam (Thursday - Friday) - Class Teacher
Mrs Hunter-Jobbins - LSA

Koala Class:

Mrs Smith - Class Teacher
Mrs Pamphlett - LSA
Miss Bellerby - LSA

Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Please have PE kits in school every day.

Our library day is a Friday. Please bring books back on that day.

Book bags need to be in school every day as your child will read and change their books throughout the week.

Autumn 2 Week 3

It was a very exciting week this week, as even though it is a bit early, we found out what our parts were going to be in the Nativity and starting learning the songs!

In English, we carried on focusing on the book Toys in Space which we are really enjoying. We thought about how to catch people's eyes with posters and we created our own lost posters for missing toys like we had seen in the book. We tried really hard to remember to use our phonics and to use capital letters and full stops!

In Maths, we carried on focusing on halves and looked at how we could halve 2D shapes so both halves were equal. Whilst doing this, we revised our 2D shape knowledge and explored how many sides and vertices different 2D shapes had.

In Bug Club Phonics, we learnt about alternative graphemes for the sound 'igh'. We learnt that ie can also make the same sound, for example, in the words pie and tie. We also learnt the suffix 'ed' which we use when writing in the past. We practised writing words such as looked and asked.

In History, we looked at different photos of toys which were old and new. We came up with lots of different ways to sort the toys using hoops and talked about which toys were suitable for which age group. We used our knowledge of adjectives when we talked about them.

Autumn 2 Week 2

We have had another very busy week in Year One!

In Maths, we have been learning about sharing objects out equally and working out how many objects will be in the groups when shared.  We also thought about how to cut objects in half, making sure the halves were equal so it was fair. For example, cutting an apple in half for two people.

In English, we continued to focus on the story Toys in Space. We came up with lots of adjectives to describe toys and wrote labels for some toys. We also learnt about the term prediction and wrote predictions of our own to share what we thought would happen in the story.

In Bug Club Phonics, we learnt the sounds ie, ey, e_e, ea and y and realised they were alternative ways to write the sound 'ee'.

In History, we loved starting our topic about toys. We had all brought in a toy from home and we used clues from the toys to guess who had brought in which toy.

In Science, we learnt about different parts of animals' bodies and made an information table to record which animals have which body parts.

Autumn 2 Week 1 

The children returned to school with great enthusiasm for learning and 'can do' attitude! 

In maths, the children have learnt to count in 2s, find pairs and recognise odd and even numbers. They enjoyed lots of practical problem solving activities. 

In phonics they have have been leaning the digraph ea and the split diagraph e_e. They have been amazing at recognising these new digraphs in words they have come across during the week. 

We have been discussing Remembrance Day and the significance of poppies, and the children have started being creative in art ready to share next week. 

Our Be bright and Be Seen day today has certainly been illuminating and the children have been very good at discussing the importance of wearing bright clothing a night. 

Autumn 1 

Pandas and Koalas have been very busy the past few weeks!

This is what we have been up to - ask us about it at home :)

Phonics - This half-term, we have learnt the sounds wh, ph and the alternative graphemes for 'ai'. We have learnt ey (in grey), ay (in stay), a_e (in cake), ei (in vein), eigh (in sleigh). We have learnt the tricky words 'their', 'oh' 'people' 'Mr', 'Mrs' 'Ms'. Do have a look on Bug Club online for books matched to the sounds your child has been focusing on in their reading.

English - We have been look at the story The Koala Who Could. We have been focusing on sentence writing, using our sounds and capital letters and full stops.

Maths - We have continued our learning with partitioning, explored money and the different coins, as well as comparing lengths.

Science - We have been learning about food chains and habitats.

Geography - We have been exploring compass directions, maps and the countries in the United Kingdom (the children loved Google Maps!)

Autumn 1 Week 7

Autumn 1 - Week 3

This week, in Bug Club Phonics, the children learnt the two digraphs 'wh' and 'ph.

In English, the children learnt about speech bubbles and wrote inside some to show Kevin the Koala's thoughts from the book we are focusing on.

In maths, we focused on partitioning numbers and used the terms 'whole' and 'parts'.

The children loved joining in another R and R PE session where they worked in partners and small groups to build on their teamwork skills.

The children reminded themselves of left and right in Geography and practised using directional language to direct each other. 

The children enjoyed creating their own playgrounds in DT.

Please help your children to remember to bring their library books on Fridays :)

Autumn 1 Week 2 

Another busy week in Year One. The children have enjoyed learning how to stand and aim and work in teams during their second session with R&R. 

In English and phonics they have continued to amaze us with their adjectives, writing a persuasive letter and writing Phase 4 tricky words - next week, we will start phase 5 phonics. 

Maths this week has seen the children developing their mathematical language (equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most and least) and use it when comparing amounts. Today, we looked at sequencing the day and the children were confident (and keen) to discuss their daily routines.  Throughout the day, we continue to practise our number recognition, counting in 10s and identifying numbers which are one more or one less than a given number. 

During DT, the children were brilliant at working together and making playgrounds. We looked back at some of the playground pictures you kindly sent and discussed what we thought made stable equipment. They then went off to design and construct their own. 

We started music this week and concentrated on rhythm and pulse. The children enjoyed saying their name and clapping to the rhythm, as well as finding taking turns singing their favourite food hilarious! 

The children were introduced to Spelling Shed and will be able to continue practising Phase 4 tricky words from Monday. 

Autumn 1 Week 2

Autumn 1 Week 1

The children have had a super first week in Year One! They have settled back into school really well and have enjoyed exploring their new learning environment.

This week, the children have been consolidating the Phase 4 phonics in our Bug Club lessons and have been learning about adjectives and settings through our story in English, The Koala Who Could. In Maths, we have been counting in tens and using number lines to find one more and one less. To extend our learning, we have also been solving word problems.

We had a great time with R and R on Monday and loved meeting Coach Aiden and Coach Ash who taught us throwing and catching skills as well as helping us work in teams.

Binky Bear supported our Geography work! We loved the story and looking at the pictures in a familiar setting. We realised the book was set in Winchester. This led to us exploring maps and finding out more about where countries are located.

In Science, we learnt about what factors make an object living, non-living or dead. We explored different ways to present our findings which included using hoops and drawing tables. 

We explored our environment for technology in Computing as well as thinking about our star qualities in PSHE.

Learning Around the Room time is really enjoyed by all the children and they are very keen to collect their rainbow lolly sticks when they have completed challenges. 

We are looking forward to another week of learning and discovering next week!

Year One Team

A busy first week in Year 1

Please come back and visit these pages throughout the year to see a selection of photos and details of what the children are learning in Year 1.